Community Pledge
Our Community Pledge is designed to ensure everyone has a safe and friendly experience on Alike. Failure to honour the Community Pledge may result in losing access to our platform.
Look after each other
I pledge to report anyone who does not follow the Community Pledge
Uploading only your own photos
I pledge to upload only my own photos. If I don't own the rights or have permission to post a photo or video, I won’t post it.
Respect all users
As a member of the Alike community, I pledge to respect other people while on the app. I pledge to be part of Alike’s no tolerance approach to hate speech, rude or abusive behaviour, and bullying. I pledge to behave on the Alike app as I would in real life.
Do not share medical advice or information
I pledge not to share or give medical advice, such as advice on medications or on alternative treatments, to other users. I understand that I am encouraged to share and discuss my experiences of treatment with others, but that treatment is different for everyone and some conversations are best had with health professionals.
Get chatting
I pledge not to copy and paste the same message to everyone. I understand that the Alike app works best when everyone reads profiles, learns about other people's interests, and sends appropriate, relevant messages.
Don't pretend you're someone you're not
I pledge not to post photos that are not of me. (We don’t want you to end up on MTV’s Catfish).
Alike profile photo guidelines:
No kids on their own. They must be in the photo with an adult, and fully clothed.
No photos in bikinis/swimwear indoors.
No pictures in underwear.
No Shirtless/underwear Mirror Selfies.
Face must be clearly visible in all photos.
No watermarks or text overlaid.
No pornographic material.
No graphic hunting photos.
No guns.
Alike feed guidelines:
No kids on their own. They must be in the photo with an adult, and fully clothed.
No photos in bikinis/swimwear indoors.
No pictures in underwear.
No Shirtless/underwear Mirror Selfies.
Face must be clearly visible in all photos.
No watermarks or text overlaid.
No pornographic material.
No graphic hunting photos.
No guns.
Don't do anything illegal on our Platform
I pledge not to do anything illegal on the Alike app. I understand that iIllegal activity may result in being banned from the platform, and/or being reported to the authorities.
No soliciting
I pledge to be proud and shout about my achievements. I understand that I can promote anything related to my experience of cancer, but not the old wardrobe I'm getting rid of. I understand that if I try to use the app as a marketplace, I'll be banned.
No kids on their own, they must be in the photo with an adult & fully clothed
I pledge to follow the guidance around photographs featuring children and people under the age of 18. I understand that Alike is for people over 18 years of age, which is why kids aren’t allowed to be alone in photos as representatives of their parents or family. I understand that all children must be completely clothed and that this is safest for both children and their families.
I understand that if I don't follow these guidelines, I'll receive a warning (unless our team decides to block without warning at our discretion). I agree that if I ignore this warning, I risk losing my account.
The Community Pledge is designed to make Alike a friendly and safe place for all our users. We depend on you to honour the pledge to make sure Alike works for everyone. If you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please let us know.