The online space for the cancer community.

The online space for the cancer community.

The online space for the cancer community.

Any time. Any place. Any stage.

We’ve created the world’s first not-for-profit digital peer support network designed around the specific needs of cancer patients and survivors.

Simple, accessible tech that values authentic connection over social clout.

This space is for us, the cancer community. It’s so we can find and connect with others who have been there, done that, and worn the unflattering hospital gown. Wherever you’re at in your cancer journey, the Alike app is here for you… So hop in.

Our friends
Our friends
Our friends

Without our incredible partners, donors and fundraisers, none of this would be possible…so thank you If you want to become part of our story by supporting Alike, please get in touch.

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Just Giving Your Best

Just Giving Your Best

Just Giving your best

We’re also on JustGiving, and we’re always grateful for whatever support you can offer, from loose change to novelty-sized cheques.

We’re also on JustGiving, and we’re always grateful for whatever support you can offer, from loose change to novelty-sized cheques.

We’re also on JustGiving, and we’re always grateful for whatever support you can offer, from loose change to novelty-sized cheques.